Eine Geburtstagskarte für einen jungen Mann der nach wie vor Autos, Blautöne und wenig Schnickschnack liebt. Ich habe 2 Tags unterschiedlicher Größe gestanzt, an den Seiten zusammengeklebt, so dass ein paar Geldscheine untergebracht werden können................
Thanks for your visits to my blog Petra. I realy appreciate you coming over and commenting. I was sure I had commented on this card in Februyary but as I cannot see any comment I must have been mistaken. A beautiful Masculine card! Have a lovely sunny Easter. Marlies x
Thanks for your visits to my blog Petra. I realy appreciate you coming over and commenting. I was sure I had commented on this card in Februyary but as I cannot see any comment I must have been mistaken. A beautiful Masculine card!
AntwortenLöschenHave a lovely sunny Easter. Marlies x